New cosmographer Olanrewaju Oyinbooke is already making waves! Olanrewaju, who joined COSMOS in Fall of 2023, recently was recognized by Date Science Connect in their ebook titled “99 Data Influencers to Follow in 2023”. This is a book covering all the influencers out there making a difference in the area of generative AI. Data Science Connect is a grassroots meetup community, formed in 2012, that now spans more than 100 thousands members, 80+ countries, with 250+ events since its conception. It also contains a significant number of Fortune 500 data executives.

This community brings together budding voices in the data science community, connecting individuals in expertise, solutions, and knowledge. We are very excited to report Olanrewaju’s recognition by Data Science Connect! As Data Science Connect’s LinkedIn account puts it, Olanrewaju’s and others’ words in the book “are not just predictions; they are a  roadmap for professionals, enthusiasts, and enterprises navigating the data-driven landscapes of tomorrow.”

In this book, Olanrewaju prophesizes on developing AI, saying, “Every century, there is a redefinition of jobs due to technological advancement. We are in the midst of yet another revolution. The coming years will experience a great shift in the nature of jobs in the data analytics domain; complex tasks will become easier and seemingly impossible tasks will turn complex but possible.” In an interview after this book was published, Olanrewaju also talked about the value of data and the meaningful impact of this book. He says, “First, we have to show the value of data. Nowadays, there is a lot of emphasis placed on computing power of devices, for example as it has been with the generative AI breakthrough. GPU, GPU, GPU! But along with the computing power is also the data that will deliver, that can give that level of intelligence to these systems, so that they are now just that more capable. So my focus is to also show the value and the contribution of data to those breakthrough technologies that we have today, and not just focus on computing power.” 

Hosted events, information, and more on Data Science Connectcan be found at