From August 7 through 9, COSMOS will host a hybrid in-person and digital training course, taught by Dr. Nitin Agarwal and based on his current research, on social media analysis techniques; each day will have scheduled instruction from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM (US Central time zone), with lunch and coffee breaks. The training course will introduce basic social science concepts, theories, and principles that guide model development, data analysis, and inference; attendees will learn about state-of-the-art developments in mining social media to support business intelligence and decision-making, and about the emerging challenges and opportunities within social media. Participants will be prepared to learn innovativeRead More →

International warfare has developed significantly through technological development, and it stands today in a unique place due to how much warfare takes place by proxy or in and through affiliated countries. In this regard, cognitive warfare has become a keystone of the modern military, and COSMOS director Dr. Nitin Agarwal’s formal research on mitigating or countering it, which he presented in November 2023, was recently published by NATO.  Cognitive warfare is a primary concern of NATO today because it is currently transforming under the new context of AI. Cognitive warfare has existed for as long as there has been an intersection between technology and war.Read More →

Dr. Nitin Agarwal was recently invited to present his research on combating socio-cognitive threats at the Swedish Defense Research Agency, also known as the Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut (FOI) or the Total Defence Research Institute. The FOI is a government agency in Sweden responsible for conducting research and development in areas related to national defense and security. Its vision and mission is to research for a safer and more secure world and to provide cutting-edge research and expertise in defense and security. It also works with the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB).  The FOI conducts research in a wide range of fields, including military technology, cybersecurity, chemicalRead More →

The 32nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) looks at the latest information science research. This year, the theme is “People First: Constructing Digital Futures Together.” By gathering a diverse group of scholars, ECIS 2024 seeks to pave the way for a digitally empowered future that aligns with human goals and tackles significant challenges. In today’s era of significant technological progress, the conference aims to examine how we can shape the evolving tech landscape while ensuring it benefits society. This theme highlights the necessity of aligning technological advancements with the improvement of human lives and inclusivity through collaborative efforts.  ECIS is the primary conference ofRead More →

In this month’s research spotlight, COSMOS highlights recent research that looks at a multi-theoretic framework to simulate mobs. Specifically, the study authored by Dr. Samer Al-Khateeb and Dr. Nitin Agarwal titled, “Mob Simulation Guided by Social Science-based Multi-Theoretical Framework,” uses the Monte Carlo method to simulate the formation of mobs and evaluate their success. The study was published at the 33rd European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2024) in the stream on ‘Behavioural Operation Research (OR)’ in the session on ‘Modelling social-behavioural phenomena in creative societies’ during June 30 – July 3, 2024, held at Copenhagen, Denmark. “Social media sometimes empowers potential adversarial state actors,Read More →

COSMOS, in this edition of Cosmographer Corner, highlights the work of former University of Arkansas at Little Rock graduate and Cosmographer Dr. Obadimu Adewale.  Dr. Adewale—who is now the Senior Site Reliability Engineer for Alliant Insurance Services—started his graduate education as a COSMOS research assistant in 2016, quickly rising to challenge as COSMOS’ Lead Software Developer. He received his PhD in Computer Science from UA Little Rock in 2020, and has since held a diverse range of technology positions. We interviewed Dr. Adewale on where his career is now and what his work at COSMOS entailed, with his responses below. How did COSMOS fit intoRead More →

Several students from the COSMOS Research Center have won awards for their research at the 2024 University of Arkansas at Little Rock Research and Creative Works Expo that was held on Friday, April 19th, 2024. The campus-wide Research and Creative Works Expo celebrates the research of students from all colleges, with awards given specifically by the DCSTEM college to DCSTEM students. At the Spring 2024 DCSTEM college end-of-year awards ceremony, held Friday, May 3rd, the college gave out several awards for the Dean’s Mainstream Expo division and for the Dean’s Elevator Speech. Among the award winners were the following Cosmographers: “It was an honor toRead More →

COSMOS welcomes several new students, who recently joined the research center. Here we have their insights into their personalities, the desires that they bring to COSMOS, and what they study at UA Little Rock and in general. Below are several brief interviews of our new students Tenzing Briggs (joined Summer 2023), Remi Oni (joined Fall 2023), Samin Morshed (joined Fall 2023), and Selimhan Dagtas (joined Spring 2024). Remi Oni Tell us a little bit about yourself. My name is Remi, and I’m from Nigeria. I just started UA Little Rock’s Information Science Masters in statistical and algorithm analysis. What was your inspiration for joining COSMOS? Read More →

The Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) has been known worldwide as one of the longest standing scientific communities in the information systems and technology fields. Since 1968, it has become a respected destination attracting high-caliber scholars and professionals in academia, industry, and government agencies around the world to discuss their cutting-edge research. With over 78+ participating countries, 1000+ participating universities, and 6000+ contributing scholars, this conference is of worldwide renown, and COSMOS is thrilled to contribute to the  HICSS community, which offers a unique platform for all participants to share and exchange perspectives and ideas. This conference was held from January 2–6, 2024,Read More →

COSMOS just hired a new grant manager Fadime Ledford! We spoke to Fadime to know her aspirations and goals from her role, what she brings to it, and what attracted her to COSMOS.  What is your name, and what role do you play at COSMOS? I am Fadime Ledford. I am Grant Manager at the COSMOS Research Center at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. I help with many aspects of the center, such as helping Dr. Agarwal with the budget, balancing, planning, purchasing, travels, and tracking of expenses. In short, I help ensure that all the grants’ requirements are met and comply withRead More →