Overleaf is an online tool used to edit and compile LaTeX (pronounced Lay-tech) projects. The LaTeX language is designed to reduce time spent formatting and managing elements such as citations, figures, tables, etc. It is easy to sign up and start working, google accounts are accepted. Quickstart The LaTeX language uses markup tags that let the compiler know how to format the given text. In the below example, a document class is created. This informs the general layout of the document (margins, line spacing, etc.). We then declare packages needed for our documents. This can vary based on the need for equations, color, hyperlinks, pseudocode,Read More →

The Elastic stack (or ELK Stack or ElasticSearch) is a framework that hosts, monitors, and populates data following a horizontal NoSQL model. It is used in BT and VT to manage large data volumes and this page acts as an overall guide. This guide is not intended to be a course on the technology itself, but rather, document how it is used at COSMOS, processes used, etc. To understand the Elastic Stack, there are plenty of resources such as the video below or the slides I presented in the 08/24/2021 meeting. Server Setup Instructions For VT, full setup instructions can be found in the repoRead More →