Outside the hallowed halls of the COSMOS Research Center, where social media research reigns supreme, a different kind of teamwork unfolded on the soccer field. Sayantan, Diwash, and Ishmam, three cosmographers, showcased their passion for soccer while navigating the complexities of graduate life. They each participated in the UA Little Rock Men’s intramural soccer league tournament for the Spring 2024 session, which involved five different teams, with their team ending up the tournament champion.

Intramural sports offer activities ranging from traditional sports, such as flag football and basketball, to non-traditional sports, such as table tennis and badminton. Some activities are scheduled over an extended period, such as four to five weeks, while others happen during one or two afternoons or evenings. The soccer tournament was the former, spanning four weeks through April and March.

Sayantan, a PhD student with a passion for defense, excels at intercepting opponents’ moves, reflecting his research on social movements. Diwash, an agile goalkeeper pursuing his master’s degree, is the last line of defense, with reflexes sharpened by late-night coding sessions. Ishmam, a dynamic forward, balances his master’s studies with precise strikes on the field, skillfully navigating through defenders. Despite their demanding academic schedules, they all make time for their shared love of football.

These three students epitomize the COSMOS spirit, balancing academic pressure with their passion for football. Their schedules are a delicate dance: mornings dedicated to research, afternoons spent on the soccer field, and late nights focused on their studies. Sayantan’s defensive tactics on the field reflect his strategic mindset, Diwash’s reflexes are sharp, and Ishmam’s creativity shines both in his academic work and on the soccer field.

Their hard work culminated in the intramural Soccer League victory. These three cosmographers, united by passion, outplayed opponents, scored crucial goals, and celebrated in victory with their other teammates. 

Dr. Agarwal congratulated the COSMOS soccer stars on their victory and said, “It is a testament to their commitment to both academic and extracurricular activities. The exceptional work-life balance demonstrated by our soccer stars inspires others to pursue their passions, both in the workplace and outside.”