Meet Remi Oni, a Graduate Research student at COSMOS.

Remi Oni

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

My name is Remi, and I’m from Nigeria. I just started UA Little Rock’s Information Science Masters in statistical and algorithm analysis.

What was your inspiration for joining COSMOS? 

My inspiration stems from the quality of work that COSMOS is doing around data and the potential revolutionary discoveries the team is going to make. I want to be a part of that revolution, and that is why I am here.

Are you working on any papers or publications? Can you give us a little insight into what it is about? If none, are there any topics you are looking to write on?

I am currently not working on any personal papers or publication, but I am working on an ASONAM paper which centers on drift metrics and also a recommender bias system.

What makes you feel the most appreciated and understood?

An acknowledgement makes me feel appreciated. A reapplication of my idea or opinion makes me feel understood.

What is something you like to do outside of school/work?

I enjoy playing my acoustic guitar.

What is a big world problem that you would like to change?

I would like to help solve climate change.