Meet Qudirat Akanji, a former Graduate Assistant at COSMOS.

Qudirat Akanji

Tell us a little bit about yourself

My name is Qudirat Akanji, a Nigerian student graduating this month from UALR with a degree in Business Information Systems and Analytics. I’ve been studying at UALR for the past two years and am excited to start the next phase of my journey.

What was your inspiration for joining COSMOS?

I heard about COSMOS from several people I admired and was looking to get into the data analytics field. I reached out to them and found a sense of ownership within the teams working on the projects at COSMOS and read some amazing research articles by Dr. Nitin Agarwal. 

How has COSMOS helped in your journey?

COSMOS has helped me grow as an individual. It has Improved my analytical thinking especially when dealing with Data. I enjoyed the paper presentations by the team as they exposed her to more methodologies I could explore in my research.

What are your plans after graduation?

I’m optimistic about getting a data analysis role and getting more involved in my community through volunteering and events.

What is your fondest memory as a cosmographer?

Cake days!!! I love that COSMOS takes the time to celebrate birthdays. Friday Presentation days were also exciting. Cosmographers put in the work to share their thoughts and answer questions on various research papers, and they do that in style.

Do you have any parting words for Cosmographers?

Keep shining bright! Each Cosmographer is destined for extraordinary heights. You possess all the essential qualities to reach remarkable destinations.